Weekly Readings


Weekly Readings #26

17 minute read


Terminological quagmires; (mis)interpreting interpolation; interaction is paramount.

Weekly Readings #25

13 minute read


Imitation learning using value or reward.

Weekly Readings #24

11 minute read


Trustworthy AI; unifying imitation and policy gradient; soft decision trees; SRL with dimension specialisation.

Weekly Readings #23

10 minute read


Explanatory debugging; latent canonicalisations; the perceptual user interface; automatic curriculum learning.

Weekly Readings #22

7 minute read


Explanation-based tuning; saliency maps for vision-based policies; RL with differentiable decision trees.

Weekly Readings #21

12 minute read


Constraining embeddings with side information; latent actions; RL with abstract representations and models; fuzzy state prototypes; index-free imitation.

Weekly Readings #20

7 minute read


Rule-based regularisation; DeepSHAP for augmenting GAN training; image schemas as conceptual primitives; imitating DDPG with a fuzzy rule-based system.

Weekly Readings #19

10 minute read


Symbols and cognition; robust AI through hybridisation; causal modelling via RL interventions; environment as an engineered system.

Weekly Readings #18

22 minute read


Formalising interpretation and explanation; operationally-meaningful representations; Conceptual Spaces book.

Weekly Readings #17

12 minute read


Using $Q$ for imitation; differentiable decision trees and their application to RL; interactive explanations with Glass-Box.

Weekly Readings #16

11 minute read


Imitation by coaching; GAIL; human-centric vs robot-centric; DeepMimic.

Weekly Readings #15

12 minute read


Confident execution framework; explananda as differences; online decision tree induction; hybrid AI design patterns.

Weekly Readings #14

15 minute read


Integrating knowledge and machine learning; folk psychology and intentionality; soft decision trees; conceptual spaces.

Weekly Readings #13

14 minute read


Theory-of-mind as a general solution; factual and counterfactual explanation; semantic development in neural networks; cloning without action knowledge; intuition pumps.


Weekly Readings #12

14 minute read


Goal hierarchies as rule sets; mutual information and auxiliary tasks for representation learning; model-based understanding.

Weekly Readings #11

11 minute read


Distillation and cloning; onboard swarm evolution; The Mind’s I chapters.

Weekly Readings #10

7 minute read


State representation learning in Atari; AI shortcuts and ethical debt; cloning swarms.

Weekly Readings #9

11 minute read


Model extraction; world models and representations; a MAS taxonomy.

Weekly Readings #8

17 minute read


State representation learning; emotions and qualitative regions for heuristic explanation; causal reasoning as a middle ground between statistics and mechanics; deep learning and neuroscientific discovery.

Weekly Readings #7

8 minute read


Meta learning causal relations; decomposing explanation questions; misleading explanations; the critical influence of metrics.

Weekly Readings #6

9 minute read


Modelling other agents; DAGGER; evaluating feature importance visualisations; self, soul and circular ethics.

Weekly Readings #5

18 minute read


The theory of why-questions; fidelity versus accuracy; trees and programs as RL policies; partially-interpretable hybrids.

Weekly Readings #4

11 minute read


Decision trees for state space segmentation; lightweight manual labelling as a ‘seed’ for interpretability; the dangerous of homogenous distributed control; AI and the climate crisis.

Weekly Readings #3

8 minute read


This week didn’t involve very much reading since I focused instead on my practical investigation of the traffic coordination problem. Nonetheless, I encountered a variety of fascinating ideas.

Weekly Readings #2

23 minute read


Approximately three weeks in, I’m starting to work on a case study project that will allow me to explore some of the key ideas around multi-agent explainability – collision avoidance within a population of autonomous vehicles on road / track networks. As a result, more of my reading this week has focused specifically on the multi-agent context.

Weekly Readings #1

19 minute read


As it stands I’m precisely 13 days into my PhD, which means a lot of reading, and I thought I’d kick this blog off with a weekly rolling ‘diary’ of things I read, watch and otherwise consume which may have some influence on my PhD topic. Most of the papers have words pertaining to explanation in there, and that’s because I did a massive scrape of papers with that keyword. I figured that would be a reasonable start.